Graves County Middle School Media Center

Check back here for updates from your GCMS library.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Guys progress

Here is a picture of the Guys Read section. Let me know what you think!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Girls Section - In progress

Here is a picture of the Girls Read section of the library. It is not finished yet, but I still think it is pretty awesome! Let me know what you think! Also...what authors would you like to see in this section?


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hey Guys! Here is the deal....I am trying some new things for the library. I want to get this website up and going for you again, and I am working on the Guys and Girls sections. I need to know what you would like to see on this site and in the library. Make a comment letting me know what you would like to see, and you will be entered into a drawing for a copy of Hunger Games! I will do the drawing on January 20th.