Graves County Middle School Media Center

Check back here for updates from your GCMS library.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mrs. Locker's 2nd Semester Picks

  • Jane in Bloom by Deborah Lytton (5 AR Points): Jane's big sister, Lizzie, has always been the center of attention. No one ever pays attention to boring, plain Jane. But when Jane's twelfth birthday marks the beginning of Lizzie's final descent into a fatal eating disorder, Jane discovers that the only thing harder than living in her big sister's shadow is living without her.

  • Unwind by Neil Shusterman (14 AR Points): In a society where unwanted teens are slavaged for their body parts, three runaways fight the system that would "unwind" them.

  • Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham (8 AR Points): With two attorneys for parents, thirteen-year-old Theodore Boone knows more about law than most lawyers do. But when a high profile murder trial comes to his small town and Theo gets pulled into it, it's up to this amateur attorney to save the day.

  • Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper (8 AR Points): Eleven-year-old Melody has a photographic memory. Her head is like a video camera that is always recording. Always. And there's no delete button. She's the smartest kid in her whole school--but no one knows it. Most people--her teachers and doctors included--don't think she's capable of learning, and up until recently her school days consisted of listening to the same preschool-level alphabet lessons again and again. If only she could speak up, if only she could tell people what she thinks and knows...but she can't, because Melody can't talk. She can't walk. She can't write. Being stuck inside her head is making Melody go out of her mind--that is, until she discovers something that will allow her to speak for the first time ever. At last Melody has a voice...but not everyone around her is ready to hear it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Contest Winners

Congratulations to Hannah Jones for winning the $10 book fair gift certificate!

Congratulations to Cecilia Stapleton for winning the complete set of the Hunger Games trilogy!

Guy's and Girl's Read Discussions - Dates

Guy's Read will be on Wednesday, September 29th, during Eagle.

Girl's Read will be on Thursday, September 30th, during Eagle.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guys and Girls Read Book Discussions - Coming Soon!!!

At a yet to be determined date at the end of September, we will have our first Guys and Girls Read book discussions for the year. Refreshments, prizes, good discussions, and AR points at the end of the event are all reasons to participate! Below is a list of the books and teachers for the September sessions. If you have any questions, please comment.


Guys Read
  • Mr. Cole - Peak
  • Mr. Catlin - Lightning Thief
  • Mr. Neal - Million Dollar Throw
  • Mr. Potts - Leepike Ridge
Girls Read
  • Mrs. Carrico - Last Shot
  • Mrs. Manning - All-American Girl
  • Ms. Peale - Truth About Forever
  • Mrs. Morgan - Uglies
  • Mrs. Fain - Flipped
  • Ms. Lyerla - Waiting for Normal

Win the Hunger Games Trilogy!!! - Library Contest #2

Would you like to win the complete Hunger Games trilogy? In honor of the release of the new book, Mockingjay, I am giving away a set of the three books (Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockinjay). To be entered into the drawing, simply comment on this post. Tell me your name, grade, and your all-time favorite book. The drawing will be held on August 31st!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Contest 1-Summer Reading

Have you read a good book this summer? Post a comment letting me know what the book was and why you liked it. On August 31st, I will draw a name from those who posted and that person will win a $10 book fair gift certificate to use at the book fair in December!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Guys' Read Book Discussion - Great Success!!!

Guy's Read was a great success!! We all had a great time and were able to discuss wonderful books. Thanks to all of the teachers who participated. A HUGE thanks to all of you guys who participated. Wasn't it fun? If any one has any questions or comments about the discussions, please leave me a comment. I can't wait to do this agian next year!

Guys' Read Book Discussions - Getting Ready

Here are a couple of pictures of the first meeting for the teachers who were going to read with you guys. The list of books being read is:

Mr Neal - Million Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica

Mr. West - Night of the Howling Dogs by Graham Salisbury

Mr. Miller - Zoobreak by Gordon Korman

Mr. Potts - Cracker by Cynthia Kadohata
Mr. Cole - Peak by Roland Smith
Mr. Catlin - Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac