Graves County Middle School Media Center

Check back here for updates from your GCMS library.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Changes Are Near

Over the past month, my library aides and I have been working on some changes that will soon be coming to the library.  During the month of December, we will be re-labeling the fiction section so that you can find books in your level much easier.  Once the labeling is complete, we will have a grand re-opening of the library where we will display new books and give everyone a chance to get acquainted with the new system.  Once we have a date for that, I will let everyone know.  Hope to see you there!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Book Fair

It is that time again....time for our annual Fall Book Fair!  As an 8-time National Award Winning book fair, we have alot to prove.  The book fair committee and I feel that we have a great fair planned.  The theme this year will be "Reader of Oz".  The fair will run October 24th-November 2nd.  Our family night will be Thursday, October 25th from 5-7.  We can't wait to see all of you at the fair!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Family Read

On October 9th, at a time to be determined, the GCMS Library will host its first ever Family Read.  The book for this event is Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper.  For a summary of the book, visit here.  The event is for students and parents/guardians who have read this book.  We will have refreshments and door prizes.  The books can be checked out in the library.  If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Locker at, or comment below this post.

Parent Contest

Welcome Parents and Guardians!  This will be the first ever contest just for you!  To enter, just simply make a comment on this post telling me about a book that you remember reading while you were in middle school.  On October 10th, I will randomly pick one person who commented to win a $10 gas gift card.  Again, welcome to my blog...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Locker's Library!!!! I am looking forward to a great year! Locker's Library episodes can be found on the right side of the blog. My plan is to have many contests, tell you about some amazing books, and to show you that reading can be fun! If you have any questions, please let me know. Mrs. Locker (aka K.Lo)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games Dress Up Day

Thanks to all of the students and teachers who dressed up as Hunger Games Characters today. Below are a few of my favorites.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Locker's Library Debut

To view the first episode of Locker's Library, click on the "Locker's Library Episodes" link in the toolbar on your right, then click on Episode 1. Let me know what you think by leaving comments here!

Hunger Games Contest #1

Prize: Hunger Games Book Mark
Dates: now-3/21
Just answer the following question below this post: Which Hunger Games character do you most relate to and why?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Test for Talk Show

Please see the link below to see the test video for my upcoming talk show.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Like" Us

The GCMS Library has entered the social media world. "Like" us on Facebook (Graves County Middle School Library). I will be posting pictures, book updates, videos, etc. on the page.

New Maze Runner

I just found out that James Dashner is writing a prequel to Maze Runner! It will be called Kill Order, and will be out in August. Here is a link to his blog.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Congratulations to Mekenna Elliott, Nichole Unger, and Ryan Courtney who won the "I Love Books" drawing in the library.